International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences
    ISSN 0975-6299

Int J Pharm Bio Sci Volume 12 Issue 2, 2021 (April-June), Pages:124-135

Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) – An Alternative to Commercial Fertilisers

Sumaiya A. Shaikh, Pooja V Patel, Neelam Y.Kadam and Parimal M.Patel

Soil is a dynamic living matrix and it isn't only a critical resource in agricultural produce yet it is too towards uptake of all life processes. The chemical fertilizers utilized in agriculture to expand yields, pests, and weeds, have a big harmful impact on the ecosystem. Because of current public concerns about the symptoms of agrochemicals, there is an understanding of cooperative activities of plants and rhizosphere microbial populations. So, there is a need for biological agents that are acknowledged worldwide. The utilization of Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) is a better choice to solve this problem. PGPR are microorganisms that can be used to improve plant reactions against biotic and abiotic stresses. Rhizosphere microbiomes which have appeared to improve plant development and yield are regulated or impacted by a couple of natural factors, for example, soil type, plant cultivar, environmental change furthermore, anthropogenic exercises. This accomplishment is achievable by saddling nitrogen-fixing endophytic and free-living rhizobacteria. Rhizobium, Pseudomonas, Azospirillum and Bacillus, have been found to affect crops by upgrading both above and subterranean biomass and could thus assume positive function in accomplishing maintainable agribusiness results. Consequently, it is important to consider this rhizosphere microbiome with more advanced culture-free methods. This points towards examining factors that can tweak rhizosphere microbiome with centre around the commitments of nitrogen fixing microorganisms towards economical horticultural turn of events and the strategies that can be utilized for their betterment. Future examination in rhizosphere science will depend on the promotion of sub-atomic and biotechnological ways to deal with increment of our insight into rhizosphere science and to accomplish a coordinated administration of soil microbial population.

Keywords: Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobia (PGPR), Biofertilizer, Rhizosphere soil, Sustainable agriculture.
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